About Us

You can contact us on 020 8305 5003 or by email GAP@metrocharity.org.uk.

METRO, Greenwich Mind and Advocacy in Greenwich have formed a partnership to provide advocacy services to people living in Greenwich. This partnership is funded by the Royal Borough of Greenwich.

Our service is based on the principles below:

  • Clarity of purpose: Ensuring both clients and partner agencies know the purpose and limits of our service.
  • Putting people first: Ensuring fairness and a non-judgmental environment where all information concerning clients is shared with them and they are made aware of their rights.
  • Independence: Ensuring we operate apart from statutory and other provider agencies to whom we may refer clients or with whom we may deal as client advocates.
  • Empowerment: Working to first empower out clients to become independent self-advocates, and tailoring our style of advocacy to maximise empowerment and independence and in accordance with a clients wishes.
  • Equal Opportunity: Ensuring we are pro-active in tackling all forms of inequality and discrimination. (METRO, as an equalities organisation and lead partner is key to making this a fundamental part of GAP.)
  • Accountability: Ensuring proper monitoring and evaluation is in place and that all clients will have a named advocate.
  • Accessibility: Ensuring the service is provided free of charge to all those eligible and that it minimises all obstacles to access for its potential clients.
  • Supporting Advocates: Ensuring proper training, skills and supervision for all our advocates.
  • Confidentiality: Ensuring we have a clear confidentiality policy and that clients are aware of the circumstances under which we will be forced to break this.
  • Complaints: Ensuring we have a clear and accessible complaints system and will support clients, when necessary, to access external support to make a complaint.